Jenna Ichikawa presented "Filing an Estate in Probate Court" at the National Business Institute CLE "The Probate Process From Start to Finish" on July 21, 2014.
Events / Seminars
Sean Russel made two presentations at the National Business Institute CLE "The Probate Process From Start to Finish" on July 21, 2014.
Ellen Jackson presented "Managing the Inventory" and "Administering the Estate Effectively" at the National Business Institute CLE "The Probate Process From Start to Finish" on July 21, 2014.
Jenna Ichikawa presented "Planning Considerations for Nonprobate Assets" at the King County Bar Association's CLE "Estate Planning for the 99%" on April 24, 2014.
Ellen Jackson spoke at The Probate Process From Start to Finish, presented by the National Business Institute.
RoseMary Reed and Jenna Ichikawa were both speakers at the 9th Annual Probate Administration, presented by KCBA.